american psychological association
national alliance on mental health SGV

Psychiatric Hospitals near by

Suicide Hotline (877)274-7477 , (800)784-2433, (800)273-8255
Self injury Hotline  (800)366-8288
LA Warmline (855)9522-9276
Trevor lifeline -sexuality (866)488-7386

Sex-ed website
California Youth Crises (800)843-5200
Crisis Text line 741-741 test start

Trans lifeline (877)565-8860
NA Hotline (800)863-2962
Rape and Sexual Assault (800)656-4673
Domestic Violence Hotline (800)978-3600
Victims of crime (800)842-8467
Mental Health Advocacy (213)389-2977
Child protective Hotline (800)540-4000
Elder abuse Hotline (877)477-3646
Parents Place (800)854-7771
Task (626)300-1043
Department of Mental Health Access line (800)854-7771
Psychiatric Mobile Response Team (800)854-7771
Access to social services and health in LA  211
Los Angeles LGBT center (323)993-7500/7669
San Gabriel Valley PFLAG 
NAMI- national alliance on mental health 

Prototypes Ican - resources (626)577-2261

Substance Abuse Service Helpline (844)804-7500

Arcadia Mental Health- medication (626)821-5858

Helpful Links

Dial 911 in case of a life threatening emergency or get to the nearest emergency room.


Aurora Charter Oak Hospital (626)966-1632

1161 E. Covina Blvd. Covina 91724

BHC Halhambra Hospital (626)286-1191

4610 N. Rosemead Blvd. Rosemead 91770

Aurora Las Encinas Hospital (626)795-9901

2900 E. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena

Gateways Behavioral Health Hospital (323)644-2000

1891 Effie St. Los Angeles 90026

UCLA Health (310) 825-9111

150 UCLA Medical Plaza Los Angeles, 90095